😬 Much to my chagrin, I discovered that the photos page for my mnml theme is not rendering photos very well without a plugin. Eek. This will be getting addressed tonight.
Another mnml update to v2.1.1 that gracefully handles a “more” summary break added to content without a post title.
Even More mnml Updates
Saturday, December 21, 2024
I’ve been a busy guy today. More updates to mnml are available for those using the theme.
Another mnml Update
Sunday, December 15, 2024
It seems I’m on a mnml theme development roll this weekend.
Speaking of mnml, I’ve just added styles for Micro.blog’s new photo collections feature. Keep an eye out for that update (v2.0.3) in your plugins area.
Micro.blog mnml Theme Updates
Saturday, December 14, 2024
If you’re a Micro.blog user who uses my mnml theme, I made a few updates I’ve been ruminating on for a while that makes it a little more customizable.
Once you’ve updated from your Micro.blog plugins page, you’ll see a new settings option to manage the customizations.
After receiving positive feedback to the scroll to top option added to the dev version of my mnml Micro.blog theme, I’ve added it to the public version and released it. If you’re using the theme, you can upgrade from your site’s Micro.blog plug-ins page. Enjoy!
Because I’m lazy, and because I constantly view my own site looking for tweaks I want to make, I’ve added a scroll to top button at the lower right of the pages on the dev version of my mmml Micro.blog theme. If you use the mmml theme too, let me know if you’d want it as well.
Changing Link Colors for the mnml Theme
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Since this question will likely come sooner or later…
When I was developing mnml, I wanted to give users the ability to set their own link colors for both light and dark modes. However, in my testing, there were challenges that would have caused colors a user set to get overwritten if I needed to release an update. So, another approach was needed.
So… At the urging of Richard (aka MacPsych) through Mastodon a few days ago, I’ve cleaned up my personal site theme and released it to the Micro.blog community as “mmml” in the themes plugin directory. Use the preview button to see what your own site looks like with it. Feedback very much welcomed.