
Something I do like about the new version of Reeder… When opening a toot from the feed, it gives the full Mastodon thread in context.

Auto-generated description: A social media conversation discusses the features and pricing of Raycast Pro, including adaptive clipboard management and AI usage.

I’m going to throw some knee-jerk observations about Reeder out as I evaluate it… A big thing I’m seeing: If you follow someone/something in multiple places (, Mastodon, RSS), you’re going to see the same post multiple times. That makes for a lot of duplicated noise in your home feed.

I’m giving Raycast Pro a spin to see if it’s worth what they’re charging. ~$100/year seems a tad steep for the pro features, so we’ll see in a couple of weeks if my mind has been changed. I do like the custom window management feature however…

Okay… So I may roll back what I said about Reeder the other day. The new release looks intriguing. I’m going to subscribe for a month or two just to see what it can do. I’m still not 100% sure I want to consume all my content in one place though. 🤔

I got lost in thought and managed to put too much water in my oatmeal this morning, ending up with the consistency of clam chowder wallpaper paste. I’m a chunky oatmeal guy…

I’m considering changing my Apple Music subscription from single-user annual to family monthly to allow my wife and son to play their music on various devices (HomePod) and not interrupt what I’m already playing elsewhere. Anyone else using the Apple Music family plan? Is it worth it to you?

I managed to wander my way back to Reeder for RSS a little while back, but noticed this morning the app has been renamed to “Reeder Classic” on the Mac App Store. This means a new release is imminent with a new purchase likely needed. I think I’m going to move back to NetNewsWire (again), probably for good this time.

I added a books page to my site today. It’s still a little bare, but I hope to up my reading game going forward. I used to be a voracious reader, but lost the mojo for it over the last decade.

A Tuesday (Monday) morning work rant: If I’ve ignored your unsolicited business email the first three times you’ve sent it, don’t send it a fourth and then fifth time demanding a response from me to take a meeting. You won’t get it, and now you’ve been relegated to the domain block list. Bye.

I’ve started using Omnivore as my read it later app. I’m not sure how I’ve missed this one, but it’s pretty impressive, and open source no less.

I took time this weekend to refresh my theme for about the hundredth time after discovering a nice webfont. As usual, one tweak led to the next and suddenly hours have passed by. I’m happy where it’s at for now, so it’s time to step away.

Scrolling through the macOS desktops from years gone by over at 512 Pixels, I still think 10.4 Tiger is the best looking of all of them…and is the one I’m using today.

Why do I save every work email except the one-line “thank you” emails? So when someone says X and then comes back with Y later, I can joyously screenshot their original thread and attach that sucker to my reply. 💣💥

For me, one of the hardest parts of being a people manager is having the honest conversations about results and performance. I want to be 100% fair, but at the same time, my expectations are not unreasonable. This was not the way I wanted to start my Monday…

I hate to have to say this, but I think I’m starting to like Raycast better than I do LaunchBar…

To this day, I still do not understand why headphone jacks on Macs (PC too?) are located on the right side, but every wired headset I’ve ever owned has the input wired on the left, forcing the cable to cross over (or under) my hands as I type.

I moved all the content I wanted to keep from my WordPress site over here to this morning. Next, I’ll decommission the VPS and then point the .org domain at this one (.dev). This is all part of the (mostly) all in on decision from a while back.

I set aside some time this morning to record audio to my ant mound post from a couple of days ago. It required a few takes to get mostly right, but I think what I ended up with came out okay. I’ll have to do some other posts this weekend.

My boss just turned me on to Lake Street Dive. Just what I needed today.

For any who have followed along, after months of poking, prodding and scans, I’m pleased to report I’ve been given a 100% clean bill of heart health – so long as I maintain the new healthy choices and swallow a dozen pills each day. It’s time to stop fretting and move on. Last post on this topic.

I officially hit my goal weight today, having dropped 25 lbs in three and a half months. It’s time to set a new goal. Let’s start with another five…

Well… The camping trip is kind of a bust, so we’re going to pack up and head home after just one night. We forgot some key items, and wound up next to some very noisy neighbors who ended up drunk and played loud music until 3am. Thankfully, we’re only 30 miles from home.

The tsunami warning siren test at noon on the first Friday of the month in my town still catches me off guard, even after living here more than 25 years. 🌊🏄

I took a vacation day today to get ready to go camping in the RV with my wife. What have I been doing this morning instead of getting ready? Creating an entirely new theme for my site, of course…

I can always tell when some part of is having trouble because images on one of my pages start returning a 404 error, and then I’ll get an email from Tinylytics that my site is down. Same pattern tonight, just like the last two.

The Fediverse part of all-in on was short lived. I remember why that was now from the last time I tried:

  1. I have another blog I want to share content from.
  2. The recent outage of was a big reason keeping me from going all in to begin with.

Here I am again, ellipses and all…

Trying an experiment… After pondering it for a long time, and after a great chat with someone I respect, I have moved wholly to the platform, including Fediverse. If you follow me from a Mastodon instance, follow me over here now. Let’s see how this turns out.

In cleaning up my YouTube “Watch Later” list this morning, it’s funny to see how my interests have changed over time, and how diverse they are. Some of the stuff I’d saved from a few years ago (never watched of course) is of no interest to me now.

Because I think @canion, @Burk, and @martinfeld are such swell guys, I elected to subscribe to One Prime Plus over the weekend.

If you listen to Hemispheric Views, (and who doesn’t?), you should subscribe too.

I swear… I’m not a HV fanboy or anything.

Sometimes you post a really dumb question and then a simple search actually yields the results when you use just the right combination of keywords…