
Hot on the heels of updating my WordPress plugin today, I also updated my Tinylytics for plugin to add the feature of being able to add a custom public stats link label if you use the footer embed. You should see the update available in your plugins list soon. Enjoy!

I’m considering either buying the new M3 MacBook Air 13” or the Mac mini, which is still only M2. Has anyone heard if the mini will be M3 soon?

Add me to the list of Apple Watch wearers who were saved from a life threatening event. My watch alerted me to an AFib event that sent me to the ER yesterday. The cardiologist told me if I’d ignored the warning, it might have lead to a stroke, or even death. A sobering 24 hours to say the least…

Interested in seeing what Tinylytics for WordPress looks like installed and activated in a WordPress site without spinning one up of your own? Check it out in this WordPress playground. You’ll dig it!

I’ve been away from for a bit… Dropping in to share that I’ve updated my Tinylytics for WordPress plugin to v1.0.4 v1.0.6, fixing some minor bugs. If you use it on your WordPress site, update in your plugin dashboard at your convenience.

After decades as a Mac user, I just now discovered cmd + = (cmd + equals) and cmd + - (cmd + minus) increase and decrease icon preview sizes in a Finder window. Where the heck have I been? 🤯

Woohoo! Surprised to have gotten the initial email from the WordPress plugin review team on my Tinylytics plugin today. Lots of things to fix, but they’re all pretty simple. TBH, the review came back better than I thought it would for being my first attempt at a WordPress plugin.

I type (abuse) ellipses so much, my keyboard at work has taken to adding double periods to sentences for me, forcing me to delete one of the periods.. Or maybe it’s simply encouraging me to end all of my sentences with an ellipsis? One may never know…

I think I’ve managed to catch the domain-itis bug from @vincent. I just purchased the domain on impulse. Is there a cure?

Well friends, I’m sorry to report — or maybe I’m relieved to report — that Project Yeard has officially terminated at the fourth month. The last two weeks have been a challenge, but I waited until a good beard day before doing the chop to be sure of my choice. It was the right one to make.

Thirteen calendar items for a Friday (tomorrow). 😳 Frack me…

For months I’ve been perplexed by messages in the Mail app inbox on my iPhone inexplicably moving to the trash. I finally figured it out… The palm pad of my left hand at the index finger sometimes “taps” the trash icon as I move to turn off the phone, moving the message just before powering down. 🤯

I submitted my Tinylytics plugin for WordPress to the plugin repository for review yesterday. It’s going to take nearly two months before they’ll be able to get around to reviewing it due to the sheer number of plugins already waiting in the queue. That’s just nuts…

Easy-peasy… New .xyz domain updated on Old .org domain redirecting to new one using iCloud custom email domain added. And finally, I un-aliased (de-aliased?) my M.b ActivityPub username from my Mastodon username since, well, a new cooler domain and all.

Meh. Forget the top-level domain… The squatters can have it. I was able to register for a decent price. It’s way cooler.

It appears the coveted domain acquisition will not happen despite my best efforts. Why? The current holder has decided money is more important and would rather auction it off to squatters than sell it to someone who actually has a use for it. I’m not paying 4-figures for a domain.

Yay capitalism…

Take two… I’m super-stoked to finally share that my Tinylytics plugin for WordPress is available for download from my main site, If you have a WordPress site and have wanted to track your analytics using the awesome privacy-focused Tinylytics service, this plugin is for you.

Incoming rant alert…

Want to know how much I hate email replies that simply say “thank you” in the body and nothing else? I can’t think of anything I dislike more, that’s how much.

Thanks for listening. Now carry on…

My wife and I just laid the ground rules for a monthly date night to break us out of the ruts we let ourselves get into. Dinner at a place we’ve never been to, and then at least the first set of a band somewhere, no matter how bad they might be.

I decided to go all in on an Arq premium subscription today. Being able to backup up to five computers for only $10 more a year sold me. Arq is so unobtrusive that I forgot I was backing stuff up until the trial expired.

Still trying to get my hands on the long-coveted domain from the other Jim Mitchell (.net TLD for those curious), but it’s dragged out long enough that I’m about to throw in the towel. There’s something about .net versus .org that lends nerd cred to a domain name which is why I covet it so badly.

Every new year I tell myself “This will be the year I stop eating lunches at my desk”, and every year I’ve ended up failing on the very first day back in the office. This year was no exception. At least I’m consistent in my failings.

I’m beginning the new year (a tad early) with a plan to read the LOTR storyline, starting with The Silmarillion. I’m a fan of the movies and read The Hobbit some 20 years ago, so I decided now was as good a time as any to tackle the task of actually reading all the books.

New theme for my site completed and installed. I like where it ended up. In total, less than 250 lines of CSS, including style reset and comments. I still have to add a dark mode media query, but that’s a small task for later.

Today’s challenge: Create a new responsive theme for my site using as little CSS as possible. I’m liking where this is going…

I just released a minor update to my Tinylytics for plugin that refactors some logic, squishes a couple small bugs and updates display labels. Look for v3.1.1 in your plugins area soon. If you want to see what changed specifically, check out the pull request on Github.

Our Holiday tradition… A pot of homemade Christmas chili.

A bowl of homemade chili with cheese, a dollop of sour cream and jalapenos on a holiday placemat. A spoon sits to the left of the bowl.

Yep… I had to get in on it too. My bass-playing Funko Box alter ego.

Jim Mitchell as a bass-playing Funko character

Super excited to share that I’ve got a full functioning WordPress plugin for Tinylytics committed to its dev repository. If you have a WordPress site too, and want to give it a spin, hit me up.

Got a basic POC WordPress plugin for Tinylytics working in my dev environment this morning. Might put a little more effort into it over the next few weeks, but I’m really looking to unplug until after the first of the year. Progress though, and that’s all that counts.