
Lesson learned: Do not alias a Mastodon instance username to your Mastodon-compatible username and then decide to change it back. You will lose your original Mastodon instance followers, though you will keep your followers…

Going to try to wrap my head around Hugo themes today. I get the gist of it, but after 20+ years of WordPress theming, the logic is just a little different. Any good references appreciated. My brain is not as pliable as it once was.

I’ve yet to start playing with the macOS Sonoma beta, but in my Apple fanboy opinion, the default desktop wallpapers are some of the best Apple has produced in the past several releases.

I try to diligently plan the tasks I want to get done each day, but there’s always a fire that has to be put out, pushing the planned tasks to the next day - until they become fires of their own.

Tomorrow is a new chance. I’ll just keep telling myself that…

Upped my plan to the premium level over the weekend. Great to have the newsletter option now. Mulling some potential topics for a regular Microcast as well.

Purchased a license for Shottr, a macOS screenshot tool, based on a discussion thread I stumbled on and it’s probably the best $4 I’ve spent in a year. Normally it would be $8, but took advantage of the first week coupon code.

If you have multiple domains you’d like to redirect to your domain (or any domain for that matter), and know how to manage your own DNS records, I highly recommend using as a redirect solution.

I’m struggling whether I should stick with as an additional platform at my domain. It’s great and has a nice community, but I keep coming back to one blog to rule them all – this one. Hopefully I can make a decision by the end of the long weekend.

I’m developing a love/hate relationship with the Copado CI/CD platform for Salesforce deployments. When it works, it’s a dream. When it doesn’t, it’s a pain to figure out why.

I’ve been a WordPress user since the early days and have carried my content with me from one host to another. I think it’s time to put the old content to rest and start fresh with

No, my esteemed co-worker… I will not “give” you a login into the system I’m responsible for to “poke around.” Would you give me access to yours to do the same? I doubt it. Good day, sir.

I’ve decided that I’m simply going to hibernate my Twitter account for now. I don’t plan to use it, but don’t want to lose it either. Maybe one day it’ll be worth tweeting again.

That’s it. I’m done – for good this time. I’ve left Twitter and there’s no reason to go back, whatsoever. I’ve killed my account and am going all in on Mastodon. You can find me at if you make the move to the Fediverse yourself.

I switched over to for a few days, thinking I might prefer to go that route over running my own VPS, but it’s just not for me. Publishing my own WordPress site is what works best for me, so we’re back.

And just as fast as changes were made yesterday, I’ve switched them back. I should know by now that I’ve already dialed the site in as I want it and I should just stop messing with it.

I decided to make some blog changes tonight. I’ve defaulted the home page to the latest full post with navigation to the previous post at the bottom. I removed featured images and removed reference to the custom Proxima Nova web font I was using. We’ll see how long I choose to keep it this way.

Okay, so I just can’t stay away. Twitter account reactivated in hopes one day, somehow, shit will get better. That and hoping that followers there will be able to find me at when they finally decide to jump to the Fediverse themselves.

The move from a (slow as hell) shared hosting half way around the world in the UK to my own Digital Ocean VPS located in San Francisco is complete, as is the move to a new domain. All in all, a few days to accomplish with all the server tweaks and getting the old domains to redirect to the new one. I’m happy with the results. Now it’s time to get writing again!

Done. I have left Twitter once and for all. I don’t care that I was in the first 600K users. It’s become a shitshow and I just can’t watch it anymore.

A sad day indeed…


I woke up this morning to a Twitter notification that SMS MFA will only be for Twitter Blue subscribers soon. So typical of the Space Karen. I’m keeping my account for now, but I doubt I’ll use it for anything meaningful until the fool leaves and someone who has real vision is at the helm.

The final straw has been drawn with Twitter. Elon Musk cutting off API access to 3rd party Twitter clients without warning is a cunt move. I usually won’t use language like that, but I call them as I see them and Elon Musk has 100% proven himself to be a cunt. Goodbye, Twitter. You could have been something used for change, but your new owner is nothing but a fucking moron.

Got the Apple Watch Ultra today. My initial thought? This is the watch I wished Apple would have made from the start. It’s nice and big and is simply a work of art. More thoughts to come in a review post.

As a 2023 commitment, I’m going to try to micro-journal every day using the DayOne app. Instead of writing one summary journal at the end of the day, I’m going to write short summaries of different events as they happen through the day.

Starting off 2023 purchasing an Apple Watch Ultra. Part of me feels guilty, but the other part is giddy with excitement. A follow up post to review will come in a week or so.

And… I changed my mind again. I don’t use social media enough and with the choices being made at Twitter, it’s not worth having the accounts. Everything deleted as of last night. LinkedIn put in hibernation mode because I may need it again in the future.

So, yeah… I asked myself; why the heck should I dump all of my social media? Does it really make a difference? The only one who gets hurt by it is me losing the connections I’ve built over the past 15 years. I’m only sticking with one Instagram account now though.

That’s it. Twitter has been deactivated. All social media is gone, save LinkedIn, which I can get back into when I need to. I feel like a weight has been lifted.

I’ve deleted Facebook, four Instagram accounts, put LinkedIn into hibernation and requested an archive of my Twitter data so I can delete that. Just waiting for the archive to be available now. Wondering if the team who managed archives got fired too and whether I’ll ever get my data back…

Final decision made: I’m quitting ALL social media over the the next month. It’s just not worth wading through the garbage that those platforms have become. I’m going back to the platform I loved from the start – my personal blog.