No Words

I went to bed concerned with what I was seeing, but with the hope that democracy would do its thing and a tyrant would be defeated. I was confident common sense and a true sense of patriotism would prevail. I slept soundly.

I awoke to what I can only see as a disastrous future. I’m stunned, sickened, angry and scared all at the same time.

I have no words. I have many thoughts, but no words.

When this man was elected in 2016, I was not a fan of the outcome. My wife and I didn’t vote for him ourselves and we were sure then democracy would prevail.

Nonetheless, he ended up president elect and, though we thought better of it, my wife and I agreed we’d support the Office of the President since that’s what a good American does: Win or lose, you accept the outcome and support your country’s leader.

We changed our minds pretty damn fast.

Eight years later, we’re looking at another four years of what I can only call pure hell.

Has history taught us nothing?

I’m stunned. I’m sickened. I’m angry. And I’m scared.

I’m stunned, sickened, angry and scared because more than half of our nation believes an unhinged man with fascist tendencies is the best option to lead our country.

What have we come to?

Rome was once a great nation, but its time eventually came to an end. How close is America to its fall?

Far too close now, I fear…
