Micro.blog mnml Theme Updates
Saturday, December 14, 2024
If you’re a Micro.blog user who uses my mnml theme, I made a few updates I’ve been ruminating on for a while that makes it a little more customizable.
Once you’ve updated from your Micro.blog plugins page, you’ll see a new settings option to manage the customizations.
mnml Settings

Each of these settings are outlined below…
The Custom Icon

Many Micro.blog themes are coded to use your main account profile photo for the header image. If you run multiple blogs on the Premium plan and want to use the same theme for each of them, your sites aren’t easily distinguishable.
If you do want to distinguish one site from the other, this setting is how you do it with mnml. It also saves you from having to use some weird image for your Micro.blog account in order to brand your site the way you want.
All you have to do is add the complete URL to any image, and it will display instead of your profile photo. I recommend a simple image no larger than 256 pixels square for this, but feel free to experiment.
If you leave the URL field empty, mnml uses your Micro.blog account profile photo instead.
Categories on the Archives Page

Some people have asked how they can show their blog’s categories on the Archives page, while others have told me how much they like the fact mnml doesn’t do that.
Being the people pleaser I am, I came up with a way to make everyone happy. If you want to show categories, toggle the setting on and like magic, they’ll show up just like in the screenshot above. If you don’t want to display them, leave the setting off.
Footer Credits

Lastly, I’ve added a credit line to the footer of mnml to drive people to Micro.blog, the theme’s Github page, or my own site.
Some of you may not mind having something like this at the bottom of your site pages, and I’m grateful to those who leave it on. But some of you may hate it, so you have the option to turn it off completely. I won’t be hurt if you do.
Finally, if you’re someone who likes and/or uses mnml, consider supporting my development efforts. Just a buck a month from a handful of people makes all the difference in the world towards enhancements like these.
Let me know questions or if you think of an enhancement I might not have.