Thursday, January 30, 2025
Very strange… I start up and login to the work laptop, launch all the apps, and there’s not one email, Teams chat or Slack message waiting for me.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Very strange… I start up and login to the work laptop, launch all the apps, and there’s not one email, Teams chat or Slack message waiting for me.
@cliff538 Hah! Yeah, I jinxed it by making that post. As soon as I hit publish, emails started rolling in. Maybe I subconsciously wanted it to happen… 🧐
@jim This sounds like it could be the start of a short story in which the narrator eventually realizes he’d dead :-)
@gregmorris That’s why I was so puzzled. There’s always something waiting. I almost thought I was terminated for a split second. 🤣