Today will be a very long day… Awake at 1:30am, thinking (worrying) about what I need to get done in preparation for an after-hours system deployment that will take until at least 10pm. Such is the glamorous life of an IT manager. It’s a given that far too many cups of coffee will be consumed today.

Yes, I’m on a bit of a posting tear today, but this one’s too good not to share. My favorite rule is #6, which I’ve only recently truly learned…

“There” is no better than “here”. When your “there” has become a “here”, you will simply obtain a “there” that will look better to you than your present “here”.

🔗 The Ten Rules of Being Human (via

📷 Memories of Hawai’i.

Diamond Head from the Waikiki breakwater.

I’ve moved back to NetNewsWire as my default RSS app after listening to the hilariously entertaining @HemisphericViewsDuel of the Defaults” podcast episode 097 by @canion, @Burk, and @martinfeld. I wasn’t aware NNW had the iCloud option for feed sync now. I like it way better. Thanks guys.

I’m slowly becoming a fan of dark mode on my workstation. As a design artist from the late ‘80s/early ‘90s, WYSIWYG for print media is burned into my psyche. I’ve been running in dark mode for a week and am actually enjoying it - enough so to even add the needed CSS to my theme.

I added a projects page to my site today which links to different things I’m putting effort into, including “Project Yeard.”

📷 A lone Joshua Tree at dusk.

A lone Joshua Tree at dusk

The Beatles Song That Really Isn't a Beatles Song

There’s a lot of hubbub in the news and online about the “new Beatles song” that dropped yesterday. As a life-long semi-pro musician, this headline hits a sour note with me.

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Challenge accepted, @vincent

WP Tinylytics

Ahhh… Fall has finally come to Southern California. The Santa Ana’s are blowing hot, the air is full of dust & pollen, and my lips are starting to chap. Time to take down the umbrellas, bring anything that’s not tied down inside, shut all the windows, and take an allergy pill.

📷 Ginger loves glamping…

Content dog in a blanket.

😖 Whoops. I discovered a stupid little bug. So… Tinylytics for 3.0.1 released.

I only received a couple of replies to my Mastodon users question last week, but I decided to alias my Mastodon account to and import those I was following anyway. I like the choice of having one “place” for my online presence thus far. It’s much quieter.

Tinylytics for 3.0 Released


It took a minute to wrap up, but I’m happy to announce that my Tinylytics for plugin has been updated to version 3.0, adding a bunch of new options to bring it to parity with features @vincent has released over the last couple of months.

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Thought of the day… There is no such thing as “it should be as simple as…” when it comes to software (or web) development.

I put some work in on my Tinylytics for plugin tonight to bring it to parity with all the nifty features @vincent has added over the last few months.

I have some dog-food testing to complete, but expect a release to drop before the end of the week. Sorry it’s taken so long to get this done!

There’s something that feels wrong in the fact the app on my smartwatch told me it’s sunrise right as I was walking in the door of the office today…

Let’s be honest… Is there really anyone who waits for the oven to preheat before starting to cook? I didn’t think so.

A question for the Micro.bloggers with a Mastodon account… Do you alias your ActivityPub compatible username to Mastodon, or do you alias Mastodon to What is your reason for the choice you’ve made? I’m torn and have gone back and forth myself. I’d like to get some community input on this. Discuss below!

And my case-less iPhone experiment comes to an end. While l liked the smaller form factor in my hand, I was just too nervous about potentially dropping the phone. Fortunately, I never did drop it, but it was always foremost in my mind while using it. Better safe than sorry, as they always say.