I really like Ranchero Software’s philosophy when it comes to supporting NetNewsWire. This is what open source should be.

My wife and I getting creative in the kitchen tonight. Chicken breast tenders, ricotta, spinach, and sun dried tomato with a dash of garlic. It did not suck…

Cooked stuffed chicken breasts are arranged on a foil-lined baking tray, seasoned and golden brown.

I’m happy to share that the long-running project from hell has successfully deployed. There will be additional user support over the next weeks, but today marks a milestone for a project that’s taken more than three and a half years to complete. I’m not sure how I feel about it just yet…

After receiving positive feedback to the scroll to top option added to the dev version of my mnml Micro.blog theme, I’ve added it to the public version and released it. If you’re using the theme, you can upgrade from your site’s Micro.blog plug-ins page. Enjoy!

Because I’m lazy, and because I constantly view my own site looking for tweaks I want to make, I’ve added a scroll to top button at the lower right of the pages on the dev version of my mmml Micro.blog theme. If you use the mmml theme too, let me know if you’d want it as well.

I have this theory that a lot of enterprise system implementations go south because development and PMO teams cannot empathize with or envision what end users are trying to accomplish. I’ve experienced this with our own consultants on the LRPFH. It’s driving me nuts because I do have that skill.

By the way… It was great wearing my Casio today, but I’m too hooked on my Apple Watch Ultra and swapped it back as soon as I got home from work. All feels right with the world again.

The really big software vendor for the failed deployment on the long-running-project-from-hell (LRPFH) has developed a patch to fix our issue and scheduled it to deploy this evening. First it was 4pm. Then 5pm. And then 6pm. Now it’s 7:30pm… Any takers for 9pm or later? Sigh…

Ditching the Apple Watch Ultra for a day to break out the Casio GST-S100G. Let’s see if I can survive.

A person is wearing a Casio G-Shock watch in front of a computer keyboard.

Playing with Google’s NotebookLM this morning, I uploaded a PDF of one of my blog posts and had it create an audio overview without any input from me. The output was a 19 minute podcast-like “segment” that you’d swear was a real conversation between two people. Mind-blowing… I’ll have to post it.

An exhausting and disappointing weekend. The “long running project from hell” was set to deploy this weekend, but we ran into troubles due to vendor licensing. Two days have been lost to it. The rest of today will be about rolling back and regression testing we didn’t leave something broken. 🤬

Hey! Y’all should follow @goblingumbo if you’re not already. His photos of garden variety lizards are off the hook!

Repping Micro.blog on the west coast… Get your own t-shirt!

A person wearing a blue shirt with a yellow Micro.blog logo design stands in a room with posters and wood paneling on the walls.

So I’m giving Reeder 5 another try. It’s starting to grow on me… A little… Maybe… Sorry @canion.

It’s amazing what listening to loud music can do for the soul.

I’ve been pondering starting a punk band out of the OC in SoCal for a couple years. Given recent political results, now would be the time for it. But all the punks from the days of old who are my age and still located in the OC are likely MAGA-heads now…

There’s a great curation of photos in the Micro.blog Discover feed today. Check them out and follow someone new.

Reading my last post back, it might sound as if I’ve accepted defeat.

Far from it. Make no mistake. I will do everything necessary to stand up against tyranny.

Do not give up. Do not give in. Continue to fight for truth, justice and what is right for all peoples.

The fight has only just begun…

No Words

I went to bed concerned with what I was seeing, but with the hope that democracy would do its thing and a tyrant would be defeated. I was confident common sense and a true sense of patriotism would prevail. I slept soundly.

I awoke to what I can only see as a disastrous future. I’m stunned, sickened, angry and scared all at the same time.

I have no words. I have many thoughts, but no words.

Continue reading →

I really dislike daylight savings time changes. Even “gaining” an hour, I’m all sorts of wonky and will be for a week. I hope one day legislation actually passes that does away with it once and for all.