Another cup of hot chocolate at work today, this time a double. This could get out of hand if I don’t put it in check right now…

I volunteered to be a “safety leader” at work because, well yeah, that’s the kind of stuff I seem to do without thinking it through, and somehow I ended up as the “head” safety leader of the bunch. Which of course means yet another herd of cats I’ll have to wrangle… Yay me.

On a whim, I made a cup of hot chocolate at work this morning. It’s been years since I’ve had one, and dang, it tasted spectacular.

I wonder what ever happened to Micro @monday? The last entry was more than a year ago. I think it was a great community builder.

What kind of stuff do I like to do on a Sunday morning? Fork Manton’s Recommends plugin so I can update my own Recommends page the way I want it to look. If you’re a user and like the tabular format, let me know. I’ll release it as an official plugin.

I kind of like you can make home screen icons in iOS 18 larger and the labels disappear now, but I really wish there were a way to hide app labels AND keep icons their original size. I feel old(er) rocking the large icons…

I decided to alias my Mastodon account from over to where all the cool kids seem to be hanging out these days. I lost about 50 followers in the move, but that’s okay. I’m on a better instance this way.

Let Your Yes Be "Hell Yeah!" and Your No, No

Hell Yeah or No | Derek Sivers

If you feel anything less than “hell yeah!” about something, say no.

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I added my Micro.Masonry plugin to the plugin directory this morning (well, last night and updated this morning). If you’re looking for a nice masonry style layout for your photos page that’s mobile responsive, give it a look.

Still More WordPress Drama

Employees Describe an Environment of Paranoia and Fear Inside Automattic Over WordPress Chaos

“We were unaware that Matt redirected sign-up emails until current Automattic employees contacted our support team,” a spokesperson for Blind told me, adding that they’d “never seen a CEO or executive try to limit their employees from signing up for Blind by redirecting emails.”

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For reasons unknown to me, my Tinylytics plugin for WordPress has had (what I’d call) a large spike in downloads over the last few days. Not that it matters much… It’s just interesting to see it.

Now that I’ve moved to just one site on, I’m thinking long and hard again about “going all in” and aliasing my Mastodon username back here. If I do, maybe I can make it stick this time. I’ll ruminate on it through the day, and then make a decision tonight.

📷 The Hollywood sign, peeking over the hills.

Large white letters spelling 'HOLLYWOOD' are situated on a hillside with rugged terrain in the foreground.

Unsung Heros of the Deep Sea

The deep-sea ‘emergency service’ that keeps the internet running

Ninety-nine percent of the world’s digital communications rely on subsea cables. When they break, it could spell disaster for a whole country’s internet. How do you fix a fault at the bottom of the ocean?

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Text-Only & Minimalist News Sites

A List Of Text-Only & Minimalist News Sites - GreyCoder

Text-only websites are quite useful, especially today, because web pages are increasingly filled with ads, videos, and bandwidth-heavy content.

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Even More WordPress Drama’s latest move involves taking control of a WP Engine plugin - The Verge

It’s not clear what security problem Mullenweg is referring to in the post. He writes that he’s “invoking point 18 of the plugin directory guidelines,” in which the WordPress team reserves several rights, including removing a plugin, or changing it “without developer consent.” Mullenweg explains that the move has to do with WP Engine’s recently-filed lawsuit against him and Automattic.

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I shared this nugget a while back, but it’s worth sharing again… If you have a domain you’d like to forward to another domain with just a simple DNS modification, I totally recommend to accomplish it.

The move from WordPress to is now complete…

I got the core features of a new masonry style layout photos page plugin worked up this morning. I still need to add the ability to set preferences for number of columns and image gaps, but I’m liking the results. Check out my photos page to see the results so far.

Jimmy Vaughan was the opening act for Eric Clapton tonight. So great to hear some good Texas Blues. It’s also great to see guys who are pushing 80 years old still out there doing their thing.